Corn Bags by Jackie

Many years ago I was given a corn bag that was purchased at a craft fair. I've had rice and electric heating pads, but their major drawbacks kept me from using them. I hated the way the rice smelled and cooled down quickly. The electric types have serious safety concerns and don't conform to the shape of your body.

One night in 2011, I couldn't sleep and found myself thinking about my grandma, who had told me she's always very cold since having heart surgery. I suddenly had an idea and got out my corn bag. I stayed awake all night planning how to improve them, and the next day bought my supplies. In the following weeks I made a few dozen for family and my CFS/Fibromyalgia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome support groups.

After receiving so much great feedback from others, I decided to create a small business.

I personally use my corn bags all the time: they have almost eliminated my use of prescription muscle relaxants, they warm my feet in bed when even the fuzziest socks can't, they take the edge off gastroparesis pain, and when I had two months of unrelenting fevers I realized they were good for more than just chills-- they are comforting to hug, making it easier to fall asleep. In fact, I sleep with four every night!

I hope you enjoy your corn bags and get some useful warmth out of them. I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions you may have. Email me at :)

Jackie, Sole Proprietor
Jackie, Sole Proprietor
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